viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

#11 A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb

Stars: ****

Genre: YA, Paranormal, Romance. Urban Fantasy.

Helen is Light, a spirit, a ghost, who haunts people with a love for literature. It's been 130 years since her death and she discovers that someone can see her. It's weird for someone to be able to see her, she is dead, nobody has been able to see her since like forever. At first she is scared of this boy who smiles at her but slowly curiosity makes her come near him. She discovers he was once Light like her, who found the empty body of Billy. 
James, the once Light who has borrowed Billy's body, and Helen slowly start having feelingd for each other, but a ghost and a human was not meant to be, so they look for an empty body for Helen. And they find one. Little by little the lovers discover pieces of their past lives before being Light, and the lives of their bodies.

It has taken me year to finally pick up this book and read it, always wondering if it would be a good buy or a bad one, and I'm glad I picked it up. The story is about ghosts, about life and love, about wrong choices and trying to get it right. James and Helen were great characters, the story was beautiful and the writting lovely.
Some books leave me with a feeling I can not explain, a feeling that I have gotten with the movie Kokuhaku (Confessions) and other books and movies. It left me breathless. I really liked the book but this might be a book some may not like.

P.S: Love the cover, it's probably one of the reasons I bought it.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

We got Super Hero Powers!!

Recently, my sister and I have been watching Misfits. Wich brings back memories of movies like Push and X-men. I've always been a fan of the X-men and there powers, so I enjoy reading books with these types of powers. And if you do to, here is a list of books:

Note: Some of these books I have not read, I just put them on the list because thats what they are about.

#10 Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson

Stars: *** and 1/2

Genre: YA, romance, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural, Action.

Seventeen year old Lila has two big secrets, first of all she has a crush (in her case it's considered an obsession) on her brother's best friend and she is telekinetic. 
After almost scrapping someones eye out with her powers she decides to flee England and go to her older brother who lives in the states, where she thinks she will be safe. She promises herself not to use her power again and be normal, at least act it. She soon discovers her brother and her crush work for a secret organisation called the Unit were they hunt people like her. Lila gets involved in the Unit, meets people like her and discovers secrets. 

I didn't like Lila much, she was a bit too obsesive with her crush (her way of making time go faster is thinking of him, and she stole his shirt) but there where great characters in this book, like Suki. Suki was lots of fun.

#9 Touch by Jus Accardo

Stars: *****

Genre: YA, Action, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural, Romance

Dez loves doing extreme stuff, bungee jumping, skateboarding off roofs, anything that makes the adrenaline pump though her body. She also loves pissing off her father so when a mysterious boy with blue eyes lands in front of her on her way home she takes him to her house. Kale, the blue eyed cutie, is weird, he doesn't let her touch him, always jumping away, and he showers while wearing the shoes she lent him. And then her father comes home. She expects him to yell at her but she is suprised to find him with a gun, pointing at Kale, while this boy threatens to touch her. Apparently, his touch kill, but for some reason she is immune to his touch. Also, her father works for some type of secret organisation called Denazen who uses people like Kale, people with special powers known as Sixes, as weapons. Kale and Dez go looking for a guy known as the reaper, hidding from her father. And Dez discovers her father is not the only one with secrets, because she has a secret she has hidden from him all his life, something she could use against him...

Dez was a great kick ass character. She was the one who told the story and it was quite fun making me laugh many times and getting weird looks from my family. And Kale!!! I've read a book once with a boy like Kale, it was a Spanish book that I have as my fav, but Kale is a tiny bit better. If you've seen X-men, Push, and Misfits, you'll like this book because it has those powers, nothing of glitery vamps or hairy weres. And as it hurts to say, the second book to this magnificant series will come out on September 11th, which seem so so so so far :( .
Here's the cover-->

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

#8 Earth Girl by Janet Edwards

Stars: ****

Genres: YA. Sci-fi, Romance.

It's 2788 and every Norm gets to go through portals to other planets, now only the Handicapped live on earth. The Handicapped are those who can't go to other planets, if they do, they will die. 
18 year old Jarra is a Handicapped and she has always held a grudge against the Norms, especially her parents who abandonned her when she was sent to earth to save her life.
And then Jarra has a great idea, she will invent a fake identity, passing as a norm from a military family, go to a history class on earth with norms who despisse apes such as herself (because she knows what all norms think of her, she has heard all the jokes on the vids) and when all the norms she will tell them that she is an ape and see all their faces.
But Jarra never expected to became friends with the norms or start falling for a boy who loves history just as she does.
And then there's the huge solar storm that strikes earth, making all the norms in her class portal off-world, but Jarra, as an ape girl, can't. Oh, and lets not forget the military ship that will land on earth escaping the solar storm, the first land in 600 years, and its crashing near their shelter.

The story starts off as Jarra telling us (or actually the norms) all the events that unfold to become her story.
Jarra was fun, but a bit though more that half through the story she annoyed me, but I kept reading nervous to see what happened. It was exititng and fun, somthing refreshing. And I love archeology and it was really cool I could read about archeologu in a future view.
So, like history, space stories and great characters? Read this book.

And the Cover!!!!OMG!!! LOVE!

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

#7 The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams

Stars: *****

Genres: YA, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Romance

Seraphina is an Incarnate, a soul that can change bodies. She has been alive since the 1300 and she does not want to continue living any longer bacause for her to live, someone must die. Cyrus is the one who turned her into an Incarnate, he is also the person she once loved and the person whos till holds onto her with an iron grip. And one night, the night she is supposed to take on a new body, she escapes from him and vows to never kill again, even if she has to take her own life. 
But something goes wrong and she finds herself in the body of sixteen year old Kailey, a girl who had been in a car accident. Sera goes on living as Kailey, feeling alive for the fist time in a long time and slowly falling in love with her new neighbour. But Sera knows that Cyrus will be back and those she has started to care will be in danger.

Before reading the book the story reminded me a bit of Beloved Immortal by Cate Tiernan and Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay. What the Alchemy of Forever had in common with Juliet Immortal is that both souls  are able to go from one body to another, and what all three of them had in common is that all three girls are hidding from three dark immortal souls.But I was partley wrongand the story took a diffrent path.
What really suprised me was that when I was at the end of the book the story seemed to take one direction that I did not like, and I was starting to get a bit mad at the book but suddenly, at the last page, everything changed and I couldn't help thinnking what would happen next, wondering and pondering, almost going crazy. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

#6 Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann

Stars: *****

Genre: YA, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Contemporary, Suspense, Supernatural.

English---> Kendall Fletcher lives in a small town called Cryer's Cross where everybody knows each other and nothing interesting happens, but all that changes when Tiffany Quinn, a girl from Kendall's school, disapears. 
Everybody looks for Tiffany but they never find her. Months pass and the school starts again and Kendall is exited to start her senior year, coming back to all her rituals and getting her mind out of scary thoughts. And with the new school year comes two new students, Jacián and Marlena Morales. Marlena is nice, Jacián is not. 
And then one day, Nico Cruz, Kendall's boyfriend (and best friend since forever), disapears, leaving no trace (like Tiffany's disapearance) and the police and the press instantly connect the two disapearances. 
Kendall finds friendship with Marlena and Jacián and finds herself with a new rootine, but that does not stop her discover what happened to her friend, even if it seems too unreal.

Español--> Kendall Flecher vive en el pequeño pueblo de Cryer's Cross donde todos se conocen y casi nada interesante pasa, pero todo eso cambia cuando Tiffany Quinn, una alumna del instituto de Kendall desaparece.
Todos buscan a Tiffany pero nunca la encuentra. Los meses pasan y el instituto comienza otra vez y Kendall esta excitada de comenzar su ultimo año, volviendo a todos sus rituales y alejando su mentes de pensamientos que la asustan. Con el nuevo año escolar vienen dos estudiantes nuevos, Jacián y Marlena Morales. Marlena es amable pero Jacián no lo aparenta, siempre callado y inexpresivo.
Y un día, Nico Cruz, el novio de Kendall y su mejor amigo desde siempre, desaparece sin dejar rastro (como la desaparición de Tiffany) y la policía y las noticias no tardan en entrelazar estas dos ocurrencias. 
Kendall encuentra amistad con Marlena, y un poco mas que amistad con Jacián, comenzando una nueva rutina, pero nada la va a parar para descubrir que paso con su mejor amigo, incluso si las respuestas son sobrenaturales y todas la verían como una loca. 

El libro me gusto mucho aunque da un poco de miedo (especialmente si lo lees en mitad de la noche cuando oyes ruidos raros que no sabes de donde provienen). No es mi primera novela de terror y no es la que mas miedo da de las que leído pero todavía estaba bien. El personaje de Kendall, que sufre TOC (Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo) era muy real. Conocí a alguien con TOC y no se si Kendall lo tenia aun peor pero era divertido ver como ese problema le afectaba en la vida cotidiana.
Pues si te gustan las historias de miedo te lo recomiendo.